Meteorite Analysis: STEP 2  EPMA and BSE Analysis

Meteorite Analysis: STEP 2 EPMA and BSE Analysis

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 EPMA & BSE - Electron Probe Micro Analysis and Backscatter Electron Imaging

*We highly recommend a preliminary visual (photo) evaluation of a sample prior to submitting it for EPMA & BSE analysis. Many times we can identify common minerals and rock types, saving hundreds of dollars in analysis fees. Please note, most samples are not recommended for EPMA analysis.

EPMA - Geochemical analysis of diagnostic elemental ratios within specific mineral grains.

BSE - Petrographic analysis of mineral modal abundances, texture, and other petrological characteristics. 


  • Send Geo Labs a representative sample of approximately 1 inch x 1 inch (25mm x 25mm) with a thickness of at least 1/8 inch (3-4mm).

  • This  sample does not include, and will not be counted towards the 20 grams or 20% (whichever is less) donation sample amount required by Nomenclature Committee. See: donation requirements for submission and official approval.

  • Samples larger than 6 inches by 6 inches (125mm x 125mm) will be subject to an additional sample prep fee of $100.

  • The address for sample submission will be sent in the welcome email after the service has been purchased.

  • Preferably the sample will be taken from the interior and not from the surface / outside of the stone. 


  • Accept the Client Code of Conduct

  • We cannot provide refunds after the analysis process has started. 

  • It is important that you provide Geo Labs with a working email for communication throughout the analysis process. Geo Labs cannot accept sample submissions without a working contact email for the submitter. 


*Please note that EPMA is done on a first come first serve basis. Geo Labs’ EPMA analysis can take up to 3 to 6 months to be completed and delivered from the date the sample is received (not the order date). At times of high volume this can be extended to by several months. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

If we have any questions about your sample or need to communicate something about it, we will email you directly. We cannot always respond to emails or phone calls in a timely manner with general inquiries, suppositions, hypothesis, or unique features concerning your sample(s) or the ongoing process of analysis.